Education for 2-Year-Olds
Education for 2-Year-Olds
Helping Your Little Learner Grow
Most 2-year-olds are filled with energy and an innate curiosity about the world around them. They’re also quickly developing their sense of independence. We offer opportunities for them to explore this growing individuality.
In this program, children are provided with:
- Stimulating, engaging environment
- Exclusive milestone-based curriculum
- Immersive learning experiences
- Variety of tactile learning materials

Twos Classroom
This active classroom environment engages bodies, hands, minds, and imaginations with abundant opportunities to move, explore, and discover new experiences, while forming a foundation for later learning. Children are immersed in active experiences through these six classroom areas.
Music & Movement- A safe space to climb, jump, dance, and develop gross-motor skills.
"My Space"- A safe, quiet place in the classroom for children to relax by themselves and spend some quality alone time, as needed.
Block & Math Center- Children experiment and try new ways of doing things, while working with their hands, using blocks, trucks, puzzles, and more.
Pretend Center- This is an interactive center where children work and play together with homelike materials, such as play food, dress-up clothes, baby dolls, and housekeeping items.
Art & Science Center- Designed for investigation and expression, this area offers a variety of art supplies, observation tools, and sensory materials (water, sand, fabric, etc.).
Language & Literacy CenterThis cozy, inviting area provides plenty of books, puppets, comfortable seating, and writing materials.