Drop-In Daycare
Drop-In Daycare

Flexible Scheduling Options
At this time, as always, we remain committed to doing everything possible to support our community. That includes offering flexible scheduling options for families whose routines have recently changed. We also continue to prioritize our support for families engaged in ongoing recovery efforts in the healthcare industry and other critical roles (police, fire, EMT, etc.). If you’re an employer, our team is here to work with you to create a custom solution for your workforce, with programs for children ages 4 weeks to 12 years.
Drop-in and Flexible Care, All Year Long
With our Flex Care program, you can purchase child care days in advance to use, as you need them—all year long. You get reliability and flexibility, and your child gets to experience our proven curriculum in a fun, safe, and secure environment.
Flex Care is the perfect solution for those who:
- Need care over school breaks
- Work part-time
- Have an irregular schedule
- Stay at home but need an occasional "day off"